The Steamie by Davenham Players
22nd October 2019 - 26th October 2019
Doors open 30mins before the performance
Davenham Theatre
59 Church Street
Davenham Players Theatre present The Steamie by Tony Roper.
The Steamie is a comedy-drama written by Tony Roper, perhaps better known as actor - especially for his role as Jamesie, the hapless partner in crime of Rab C. Nesbitt. The play follows a group of women (Dolly, Magrit, Doreen and Mrs Culfeathers) washing their sheets, curtains and clothes in a public washhouse (a steamie) in Glasgow in the 1950s, and Andy, the lone male responsible for the maintenance and running of the steamie. The action takes place at Hogmanay, on Old Year’s Night, when the house has to be clean and fresh to welcome the New Year before the year can change and the first footing start. The Steamie was voted second in Scottish Televisions ’30 Best Loved Plays’ and regularly plays to audiences around the country.
Directed by Sheila Hetherington, Davenham actors Paulette Anderson, Denise Barry, Vanessa Duffy and Peter Lownds are joined by Catherine Millar, previously seen as Lorraine in Little Gem, a Chester Little Theatre production that visited Davenham in April.
Performance starts 7.30pm.
Doors and Bar open 7.00pm.
Tickets £10
All Nights Sold Out
Call Andrea on 01606 259596 for Returns
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